Automate your day with calendar holds

You tell Clockwise what routines and tasks need to be on your schedule, and Clockwise will automatically shift your calendar as the week evolves so you never run out of time to clear your inbox, take a walk, or finish a task.

Woman moving calendar
How it works

What are flexible holds?

Flexible Holds are events where you are the only attendee. Exactly when they happen doesn’t matter, just that they do. Clockwise will use your preferences to make your ideal schedule a reality by finding time for recurring routines and one-off task holds.

MON 9am
Person crossing the streetCalendar scheduling
Create time for focusCalendar scheduling
Person on laptopCalendar scheduling
Photo of womanCalendar scheduling
Clockwise works with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar.

Optimize your schedule with AI

Automatically hold time for important tasks and routines that need to happen throughout the week by letting Clockwise handle the scheduling.

As your schedule shifts throughout the week, Clockwise will automatically shuffle these events to be sure they happen.

Getting started

View your existing routines and task holds in the Flexible Holds tab. Here you can adjust the frequency and flexibility of these events.

Clockwise UI: Flexible holds