What are focus blocks & how to use them

What are focus blocks & how to use them

Judy Tsuei
June 2, 2023
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What are focus blocks & how to use them
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Maximizing Productivity and Focus: Harnessing the Power of Focus Blocks

With the myriad of tasks, meetings, and deliverables required of us throughout the workday, it’s sometimes a wonder we can get anything done. Research shows that of the eight-hour workday, approximately three hours are used for actual work. How do we maximize productivity while minimizing the potential for burnout? Consider using focus blocks.

What are focus blocks?

A focus block is a time period dedicated to a specific task or project. The opposite of multi-tasking, this productivity technique is perfect for important work that requires high levels of creativity, problem-solving, and overall cognitive abilities. By dedicating a block of time to high-value work, you increase your likelihood of entering a flow state, which in turn, allows you to produce your best work.

One notable figure in the realm of focus blocks is Mani Vaya, the founder of 2000 Books & Focus Blocks. With his expertise and passion for productivity, Vaya has played a pivotal role in popularizing the concept and advocating for its benefits.

Why focus matters

In a world filled with constant distractions and competing priorities, focus blocks provide a structured approach to overcome the pitfalls of procrastination and multi-tasking. Procrastination, often fueled by distractions and lack of direction, can hinder progress and result in missed opportunities. By allocating dedicated time for focused work, individuals can combat the tendency to delay tasks and harness their productivity effectively.

Focusing also allows you to sharpen your self-discipline, giving you a sense of mastery over your work.

How to use focus blocks

To make the most of focus blocks and optimize your productivity, it’s helpful to follow a structured approach. In order to effectively utilize focus blocks, try the following:

  1. Define the task

Begin by clearly identifying the specific task or project that requires your focused attention. Define the desired outcome and set clear objectives for the focus block session. Having a well-defined task helps you stay on track and ensures that your efforts are aligned with your goals.

Example: If you have a writing assignment, define the topic, outline the structure, and gather all the necessary research materials before starting your focus block.

  1. Set a time limit

Determine the duration of your focus block based on your personal preferences and the nature of the task. While the Pomodoro Technique suggests 25-minute intervals, focus blocks typically range from 60 to 90 minutes, allowing for deeper engagement and sustained concentration.

Example: If you find that you work best in longer intervals, set your focus block duration to 90 minutes. Experiment with different time limits to find what works best for you and the specific task at hand. Try scheduling these blocks during your most productive time of day.

  1. Eliminate distractions

Minimizing interruptions is essential for maintaining focus during your dedicated work time. Prioritize creating a distraction-free environment by turning off notifications on your devices, silencing your phone, and closing irrelevant tabs or applications. Consider using website blockers or productivity apps to limit access to distracting websites or social media platforms.

Example: If you're working on your computer, use a productivity app like Freedom or Focus to block distracting websites and apps during your focus block. This will help you stay focused and avoid the temptation of getting sidetracked.

  1. Start the timer

Once you've eliminated distractions and set up your workspace, start the timer and immerse yourself entirely in the task at hand. It's important to avoid multi-tasking and maintain singular focus on the designated task. Train your mind to resist the urge to switch between tasks and give your full attention to the current activity.

Example: Set a timer using a dedicated time management app or a simple alarm clock to mark the beginning of your focus block. Once the timer starts, commit yourself to working solely on the identified task without any distractions.

  1. Take short breaks

After completing a focus block, it's important to take short breaks to rest and recharge before diving into the next one. Breaks help prevent mental fatigue and provide an opportunity to relax your mind and rejuvenate your focus.

Example: During your break, engage in activities that promote relaxation and recharge your energy levels. Take a short walk, do some stretching exercises, or practice mindfulness techniques. Use this time to step away from your work and allow your mind to recharge for the next focus block. Avoid mindless tasks like scanning email or browsing the internet.

  1. Repeat and evaluate

Repeat the process of utilizing focus blocks, adjusting the duration and techniques as needed. After each focus block session, take a moment to assess your productivity and evaluate the effectiveness of your approach. Reflect on what worked well and identify areas for improvement.

Example: Keep a journal or use a productivity tracking tool to record your observations and productivity levels after each focus block. Analyze your performance, identify any patterns or challenges, and make necessary adjustments to optimize your future focus blocks.

By following these steps and incorporating focus blocks into your workflow, you can enhance your productivity, maintain a higher level of concentration, and achieve greater results in your work.

Remember, the key is to find a rhythm and structure that works best for you. Experiment with different techniques and adapt them to suit your specific needs and preferences. With consistent practice, focus blocks can become a powerful tool in your productivity arsenal, enabling you to accomplish your goals with focused, uninterrupted work sessions.

Live, in-person focus blocks

Focus blocks are not limited to individual work; you can effectively leverage them in group settings as well. With live focus blocks, teams can engage in synchronized focus blocks to enhance collaboration and accountability, leading to several benefits for the team and the overall work environment.

The benefits of focus time

  • Fosters collaboration and support among team members

Live, in-person focus blocks provide an opportunity for team members to come together and work on their individual tasks in a shared space. By setting shared time slots for focused work, team members align their efforts and create a collective atmosphere of productivity. This shared experience fosters collaboration as individuals can seek input, share ideas, and provide support to one another during the focus block sessions.

  • Fosters a company culture that values focus work

Live, in-person focus blocks contribute to shaping a positive work culture that prioritizes deep, uninterrupted work. When you and your co-workers collectively dedicate specific time slots to focus on their tasks, it sends a clear message that focused work is highly valued and encouraged within the organization.

To make the most of live, in-person focus blocks, try the following:

  • Create a dedicated space

Designate a specific area or room in the workplace where employees can carry out their focus blocks. This space should be free from distractions and noise, providing a conducive environment for deep work. By having a dedicated space, employees can physically separate themselves from the daily hustle and bustle of the office, enabling them to enter a state of focused concentration more easily.

  • Establish time blocks

Schedule specific time slots for focus blocks throughout the workday. For example, you might allocate a two-hour block in the morning and another in the afternoon. Communicate these time blocks to the entire team to ensure everyone is aware of when they should engage in focused work. This synchronized approach helps create a sense of collective commitment and facilitates collaboration among team members.

  • Set clear expectations

Clearly communicate the purpose and guidelines of focus blocks to employees. Explain that during these designated periods, they are expected to work on tasks that require concentration and limit distractions. Emphasize the importance of respecting each other's focus time by minimizing interruptions and noise. By setting clear expectations, employees understand the purpose of focus blocks and can align their behaviors accordingly.

  • Eliminate external distractions

Encourage employees to turn off or silence their phones, close unnecessary tabs on their computers, and avoid engaging in non-work-related conversations during focus blocks. By eliminating external distractions, employees can maintain their concentration and productivity. This creates a focused atmosphere conducive to deep work and allows individuals to make significant progress on their tasks.

  • Encourage collaboration and support

While focus blocks are primarily individual activities, it's important to foster a supportive and collaborative environment. Encourage team members to discuss their focus block goals with each other and provide support and feedback when needed. This helps create a sense of accountability and shared commitment to productivity. By fostering collaboration and support, employees can leverage the collective expertise and resources of the team to overcome challenges and achieve their goals more effectively.

  • Foster a positive culture

Develop a culture that values and respects focused work. Recognize and celebrate achievements resulting from successful focus blocks. Encourage managers and leaders to lead by example, demonstrating their commitment to focused work and promoting a healthy work-life balance. By fostering a positive culture that values deep work and recognizes its impact, employees feel empowered and motivated to prioritize focused work during their designated focus block sessions.

  • Regularly Evaluate and Adjust

Continuously assess the effectiveness of live, in-person focus blocks in your workplace. Gather feedback from employees and make adjustments as necessary. Consider factors such as the duration of focus blocks, the frequency of scheduling, and the overall impact on productivity and employee well-being. By regularly evaluating and adjusting your approach to live, in-person focus blocks, you can optimize their effectiveness and ensure they continue to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.

Virtual group focus blocks

In today's remote work landscape, collaboration and productivity are paramount for remote teams. Virtual group focus blocks provide a structured approach to foster collective concentration and goal-oriented work in a remote setting. By leveraging virtual platforms and following established guidelines, teams can create an environment that supports deep work, minimizes distractions, and encourages collaboration, ultimately driving productivity and achieving shared objectives.

  • Select a virtual platform

Choose a reliable virtual collaboration platform that allows for audio and video conferencing, screen sharing, and chat functionalities. Popular options include Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. These platforms provide the necessary tools for effective communication and collaboration during virtual focus blocks.

  • Schedule dedicated focus time

Determine specific time slots for virtual group focus blocks and communicate them to the team. It's important to ensure that team members are in compatible time zones and that the scheduled time works for everyone. By synchronizing the focus blocks, team members can align their efforts and create a collective atmosphere of productivity.

  • Define the purpose and agenda

Clearly communicate the purpose of the focus block session and provide an agenda outlining the tasks or goals to be achieved during the designated time. This helps participants understand the focus of the session and stay aligned with their objectives. A well-defined purpose and agenda ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

  • Set ground rules

Establish guidelines for virtual focus blocks to ensure a productive and distraction-free environment. Encourage participants to mute their microphones when not speaking, avoid multi-tasking, and limit non-work-related distractions. These ground rules create a focused atmosphere and maintain the integrity of the virtual focus block session.

  • Use time-tracking tools

Implement time-tracking tools, such as Harvest or Toggl, to track the duration of focus blocks and measure individual and team productivity. These tools help create a sense of accountability and enable better time management. Team members can track their progress and stay motivated by visualizing their productivity during the virtual focus blocks.

  • Provide regular check-ins

During virtual focus blocks, conduct periodic check-ins to gauge progress, answer questions, and address any challenges or roadblocks. This promotes accountability and allows team members to seek clarification or assistance when needed. Regular check-ins foster a sense of support and collaboration within the virtual group.

  • Encourage collaboration and feedback

Foster a collaborative environment by encouraging participants to share their screens, engage in discussions, and provide feedback on each other's work. This promotes knowledge sharing, ideation, and collective problem-solving. Virtual collaboration tools, such as screen sharing and chat functionalities, facilitate effective communication and collaboration during the focus blocks.

  • Celebrate achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team accomplishments at the end of virtual focus block sessions. Recognize significant progress made, milestones achieved, or successful completion of tasks. This boosts morale and motivation within the team, creating a positive and rewarding virtual work environment.

  • Reflect and iterate

Regularly reflect on the effectiveness of virtual group focus blocks and gather feedback from team members. Use this feedback to make improvements and refine the process, such as adjusting the duration of focus blocks or modifying the structure of check-ins. By continuously evaluating and adapting the virtual focus block approach, you can optimize its impact on productivity and team collaboration.

Focus block apps & tools

There’s a variety of tools available to help you focus and do your best work. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Clockwise: Clockwise is a time orchestration platform that optimizes yours and your team’s schedules. It uses AI to schedule meetings at their most efficient times, while creating long blocks of Focus Time. It’s perfect for teams who want to balance meetings with saving enough time for getting things done.
focus blocks
  • Forest: Forest is a gamified app that helps users stay focused by planting virtual trees during their focus blocks. If you succumb to distractions and leave the app, the tree withers. It offers a visual representation of progress and encourages users to stay committed to their tasks.
  • Pomotodo: Pomotodo is a comprehensive productivity app that combines the Pomodoro Technique (cycles of 25-minute periods of focus followed by a short break) with task management features. As the name suggests, you can use Pomotodo as a Pomodoro timer and to-do list. We especially love that the app comes with time tracking and gives you summaries of how you spent your time on any given day.
  • Focus@Will: Focus@Will is a music streaming service designed to enhance focus and concentration. It offers curated playlists of instrumental music scientifically crafted to stimulate productivity and reduce distractions during focus blocks.
  • Freedom: Freedom is a website and app blocker that helps eliminate online distractions. It allows users to block specific websites or entire categories, ensuring uninterrupted focus during work sessions.
  • Toggl: Toggl is a time tracking tool that enables users to monitor the time spent on different tasks and projects. It helps individuals measure their productivity and make informed decisions when planning their focus blocks.

Going forward

On a daily basis, dedicate at least two of your work hours to focused work. Allow yourself to work on your most important tasks, one task at a time. Not only will this enhance your creativity and problem-solving skills; it’ll also contribute to overall well-being by reducing stress levels and improving mental clarity.

The easiest way to start implementing focus blocks is with Clockwise, a time orchestration platform that optimizes your schedule for maximum Focus Time. Try it for free today!

About the author

Judy Tsuei

Judy Tsuei is a Simon & Schuster author, speaker, and podcast host. She has been writing for Clockwise for several years while also being featured in MindBodyGreen, BBC Travel, Fast Company, Hello Giggles, and more. As the founder of Wild Hearted Words, a creative marketing agency for global brands, Judy is also a mentor with the Founder Institute, the world's largest pre-seed accelerator. Judy advocates for mental and emotional health on her popular podcast, F*ck Saving Face. Follow along her journey at

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